Love at first match.

Driven by AI and relationship science. Guided by human care.
It’s not just you.
80% of young singles want to get married someday. Only 40% are projected to succeed.
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That’s why we started Keeper.
A couple laughs as they embrace one another

Aligned incentives

No subscriptions. Don’t pay until you’re successful, or join for free and never pay at all.
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A man leans in to lovingly kiss his girlfriend

Filter on everything

Dating apps only give you a few filters. We ask for absolutely everything you’re looking for and don’t stop until we find it.
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A woman and man move in for a passionate kiss

One perfect match

The average single millennial spends 10 hours/week swiping. We don’t ask for your time until we find your potential soulmate.
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A couple shares a loving embrace


Expert matchmakers using AI trained on relationship science ensure you only get a match that will likely lead to love.
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What to expect

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Tell us about you
Start with our onboarding questionnaires. Engineered to get a deep sense of you and all your preferences in your own words.

Whoever you are, we can find your person.
AI Analysis
Trained on the science and wisdom of love, we use large language and vision models to match for any preference and every trait.

Our AI evaluates hundreds of thousands of potential matches across every dimension, going far deeper and faster than a human can.
Human Vetting
Experienced matchmakers examine every match to ensure accuracy and alignment with human intuition. Our vetting guarantees that every preference is met and everyone is focused on happily ever after.
Sometimes the search is fast, other times it takes patience. Our goal is to find the right person, not send you on dead-end dates.
Meet Your Match
Women see every match first. If she says yes, then the man sees her. Once both parties have accepted, we make the introduction.
1 out of 10 Keeper dates lead to long-term relationships because our introductions come with confidence and clarity.
Support and Feedback
Often, it only takes one match. If the first match isn’t perfect, we use feedback to get it right next time.

If the other person passes, we provide actionable feedback to make sure your next match goes all the way.

When Noah Milstein met the woman who would later become his fiancée for the first time, he said it felt “miraculous.”

Getting started is easy, and forever is a match away.
Women start here
Men start here
Talk to our AI dating and relationship coach. Tailored advice founded in psychology and relationship science.
Check out our trusted partners. Optimizing your love life starts with optimizing yourself. Let our friends take care of you.
Newlywed couple holds hands walking toward the Eiffel Tower
Already in a relationship?
Keep track of important milestones with our Relationship Tracker app.